Contract Number:
Contract Vehicle Name: US Army information Technology Enterprise Solutions – 3 Services (Army ITES-3S)
Contract Type: MA IDIQ
CV Website: https://chess.army.mil
Contract Contact:
Carmelo Gong, Contracts Specialist
Description: ITES 3-S is the Army’s primary source of IT-related services worldwide. The objective of the ITES-3S contracts is to meet the Army’s enterprise infrastructure and infostructure goals with a full range of innovative, world-class Information Technology (IT) support services and solutions at a fair and reasonable price.
ITES 3-S provides industry best practices, best value, non-personal services to enable a broad range of enterprise-level support services for IT integration and service management activities to the Army, other DoD agencies, and all other Federal agencies including but not limited to, locations CONUS, OCONUS, and warzone areas.
PoP | 06/08/2016 to 06/07/2026 |
Contract Ceiling | $12,100,000,000 ($12.1 Billion) |